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Specializing in rehabilitative
and corrective exercise
Helping people to move better.
Serving the Clacton-on-sea and Colchester area for over 25 years.
Tel: 07980 695185

Jonathan Martin
Apr 28, 20162 min read
Orthotics (foot /arch supports) - Do I need them?
I have been asked this question so many times over the years I have worked in this industry. And like the answer to so many questions the...
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Jonathan Martin
Jan 7, 20162 min read
New Year New You! How about fixing the old you?
Everywhere you look at this time of the year you see businesses offering to somehow change you almost miraculously. The reality is only...
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Jonathan Martin
Nov 17, 20153 min read
Posture what is it? And why is it important?
Posture is the way you position or hold your body. You can have standing posture or sitting posture. Your posture is dynamic it is part...
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Jonathan Martin
Oct 30, 20153 min read
Success and Failure. (PEOPLE DON'T FAIL!)
I have recently seen a couple of comments about Successful people one on Facebook and then another in a marketing email. When I read them...
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Jonathan Martin
Oct 5, 20153 min read
RSI – Repetitive Strain Injury (over use)
For anyone who read my previous article on Tennis Elbow and Normally when you hear about RSI people think of wrist problems often from...
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Jonathan Martin
Sep 26, 20151 min read
Tennis Elbow and Golfer's Elbow
Both of these conditions involve pain over the elbow joint but differ slightly in their position. Tennis elbow is usually related in...
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Jonathan Martin
Sep 7, 20152 min read
What makes a good Massage Therapist?
Well that is obviously a matter of opinion. I guess the simplest answer is one that gets results, one that makes their clients better....
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Jonathan Martin
Jul 25, 20151 min read
How much would you pay to be pain free tomorrow?
How much would you pay to be pain free tomorrow? (from most joint or muscle pain) Chances are that is not going to happen. Sometimes...
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Jonathan Martin
Jul 25, 20152 min read
Sciatica – can you get rid of it?
Yes! That is as long as it is not from a ruptured (prolapsed) disc. If the disc is ruptured the pressure placed on the nerve by the disc...
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Jonathan Martin
Jul 5, 20155 min read
What makes a good Personal Trainer?
What makes a good Personal Trainer? Firstly this is obviously a matter of opinion and what follows is my opinion and therefore may have...
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Jonathan Martin
Jun 19, 20151 min read
Plantar Fasciitis - Heel Pain
Plantar Fasciitis A pain in the sole of the foot. Normally this is just excessive muscle tension between the heel and the ball of the...
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Jonathan Martin
Jun 11, 20155 min read
Swim Technique (The Martin Method)
A few weeks ago I said I would write a little article about swimming and particularly about my approach to coaching swimming. Background...
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Jonathan Martin
Jun 5, 20155 min read
Lower leg pain and injuries
Having had 3 questions in 2 days and 4 in the last week about lower leg problems I thought perhaps I should try to explain a bit about...
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Jonathan Martin
May 15, 20152 min read
Iliotibial Band Syndrome (Lateral Knee Pain / Pain to outside of knee/ Runner’s Knee)
Sometimes the term Runner’s Knee is used to describe iliotibial band syndrome and sometimes it is used to describe other knee pain. ITB...
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Jonathan Martin
May 2, 20152 min read
Train Smarter, Not Harder.
I was talking to one of my massage clients the other day about their gym training. They said 'I felt really strong today, I seemed to be...
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Jonathan Martin
Apr 24, 20153 min read
What is 'Functional Training'?
Well other than a fitness industry buzz word used to hype up various fitness products. Functional Training is effectively any exercise...
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